The game revolves around a war in a futuristic world between two factions - the Norts and the Southers - with the latter deploying a race of Genetic Infantry against the former which can survive the atmosphere that kills humans. Basically, the overall presentation does feel its age, despite the newly polished facade. There are not-so-impressive elements that can be seen through these updated visuals, though, whether that be the odd teeth that sit uncomfortably in the mouths of characters or the various clipping issues. It's easy these days to look at games running on the PS4 (where we played the game) and take it for granted how far graphics have come, but when you put the 20 versions side by side the difference is clear. Everything has been polished to bring it up to date, from the character models to the textures and pretty much all the high-definition detail a PS4 game needs. This year TickTock Games is helping to bring this PS2 version into the modern era via Rogue Trooper Redux, which comes with all the stuff you'd expect such a remaster to come with.Īs you might have guessed the visuals are a big part of this. Back in 2006 Rebellion released a Rogue Trooper video game based on the 2000 AD comic series of the same name, which saw you step into the shoes of a blue genetically-engineered supersoldier called Rogue.